A peaceful society is one whose food security can withstand disasters. In 1994, food insecurity can be a powerful incentive to join militias that left members with lifelong regrets. Today, CARSA actively supports Rwanda’s largest workforce, farmers, in several regards.
Firstly, we support RCGs and Youth Peace Clubs that are addressing their poverty by pooling their money to rent/ buy local farmland, divide the responsibilities between group members, and selling their produce in local markets. Additionally, community farmers and individual farmers in RCGs can join CARSA’s Community Peace Farm Program, which will equip smallholder farmers with climate-smart agriculture techniques that save resources and optimize profits.
These climate-smart training help farmers or community groups cultivate financially self-sustainable small farms within a single season, grow crops that are more resilient to harsh rainy or dry seasons, and preserve soil nutrients (easing
financial recovery after any hard season)